Within 10 years Latvia has to renovate at least 500 thousand m2 of houses and un reduce heat consumption to 100 kWh / m2 / year. Most of them in Riga. Riga has set up an ambitious goal to be the first climate-neutral capital in Baltics. The goal for the next five years is to purposefully restore the housing stock and improving the living standards of the population while reducing the heating effect on the quality of the environment and the climate through modern technology.
The free online voting switch provided by EnergoRix that bridges the digital gap (switch, app, page) will initially resolve the cumbersome procedure of deciding to start/stop heating in the majority of multiapartment buildings. When supplemented with temperature (C°), humidity (%HR) and other sensors in order to obtain an overview of the energy efficiency and microclimate indicators of non-renovated buildings and the efficiency of renovations in the city as a whole. It may integrate the data of other LoRa and 5G ecosystem participants. Open data and the possibility to assess the energy efficiency of your apartment or building will give arguments and be a stimulus for the renovation process in the city. At the same time, it will form the basis for the independent development of various services based on these real-time data.